Commercial Property – Tenants’ Right to Seek Renewal of the Lease

Commercial Property – Tenants’ Right to Seek Renewal of the Lease

Landmark Case: Gill v Lees News Ltd [2023] EWCA Civ 1178 

The Court of Appeal’s ruling in Gill v Lees News Ltd has introduced pivotal clarifications on the criteria under which a landlord may oppose a lease renewal under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 (LTA 1954). This case addresses key issues about the appropriate timing for the court’s assessment of the premises’ state of repair and the criteria for determining whether a tenant should be denied a new tenancy.

Case Background

Tenant: Lees News Ltd, a newsagent and convenience store operator in West London.

Landlord: Mr. Gill, trustee of a pension scheme owning the freehold reversion (Property).

Landlord grounds under 1954 Act, opposing Lease Renewal:
  1. Section 30(1)(a): Breach of repair and maintenance obligations.
  2. Section 30(1)(b): Persistent delay in paying rent.
  3. Section 30(1)(c): Other substantial breaches of the lease.
  4. Section 30(1)(f): Intention to demolish or reconstruct the premises.

Key Legal Issues

  1. The relevant date for assessing the grounds of opposition.
  2. The interpretation of the phrase “the tenant ought not to be granted a new tenancy.”

Outcome of the Case

The Court of Appeal dismissed the landlord’s appeal and upheld the decision to grant the tenant a new lease. Despite the premises being in significant disrepair at the time of the Section 25 notice (notice to terminate business tenancy), the tenant had rectified these issues by the hearing date. Additionally, delays in rent payments were deemed “minor” and unlikely to reoccur, and other substantial breaches were adequately addressed.

Detailed Analysis

Relevant Dates for Grounds of Opposition

The Court of Appeal clarified that while the state of repair at the hearing date is relevant, the tenant’s historical conduct must also be considered. This ensures a comprehensive assessment of the tenant’s actions throughout the lease term to determine the appropriateness of granting a new lease.

Breach of Lease Terms

The court acknowledged the tenant’s remedial actions in addressing the substantial disrepair and rent payment delays by the hearing date. The breaches were not considered sufficient grounds to deny a new lease.

Balancing Tenant Conduct and Fairness

The court emphasised a balanced approach, considering both individual and cumulative grounds of opposition and the overall conduct of both parties throughout the lease term. This nuanced evaluation weighs the severity of past breaches against the tenant’s efforts to rectify them and maintain current compliance.

Implications for Tenants

  1. Compliance with Lease Terms: Ensure strict compliance with lease obligations, including timely rent payments and maintenance responsibilities, to avoid giving landlords grounds for opposition.
  2. Remedying Breaches: Promptly address any breaches to positively influence the court’s decision.
  3. Challenging Opposition: Scrutinise evidence presented by the landlord to challenge opposition, particularly under Section 30(1)(f).

Implications for Landlords

  1. Documenting Breaches: Maintain detailed records of tenant breaches, such as rent payment delays or maintenance failures, to substantiate claims under Sections 30(1)(a), (b), and (c).
  2. Demonstrating Intention: Provide clear, robust evidence of redevelopment plans, including architectural plans, planning permissions, and financial resources, to successfully oppose a lease renewal.
  3. Holistic Evaluation: Prepare for the court’s holistic approach, evaluating the tenant’s breaches over the entire lease term rather than solely focusing on the state of affairs at the hearing date.


The Gill v Lees News Ltd decision underscores the importance of a tenant’s historical and current conduct in lease renewal disputes, aiming for a balanced evaluation that may favour tenants who rectify breaches. This landmark case reshapes the landscape of lease renewals, significantly impacting strategies for both tenants and landlords under the LTA 1954.

Contact Us

If you are a commercial landlord or a tenant impacted by lease renewal process, reach out to KTS Legal for expert advice and assistance.